I took the entire month of September away from social media and had the most incredible experience. I have realized how much of my time it fills and wastes and pollutes; and how it distracts me from me. September has been SO FULL with many deep and profound and challenging personal unfoldings, in face of which being offline truly felt like a blessing. Rather than distracting with scrolling or externalizing by sharing, I had to sit with myself and really be with me, in the midst of it all. I had nowhere to escape to and nothing to numb with and so I sat with me, holding myself through Life happening. It was a powerful reminder that I already have everything that I need.
I have also been writing my book and could feel how much more room I have in me when it's not occupied by other people’s opinions and thoughts and content. During this month I have felt so much more spacious, connected and clear.
One day I watched The Social Dilema and felt so sickened by what social media do and are, and how little awareness we have about this. I kind of knew but truly had no idea. I am now in the process of deleting my FB account altogether. Once upon a time Facebook was this joyful platform of silly photos and connection with friends and I had so much fun using it. Now it feels intense, alienating, and creepy. Somehow, over the years, it turned into a weapon of separation, highly monetized hybrid of what it once was intended to be.
I love my online community and I love knowing how you all are, I’ve missed that part a lot. I also want to find a new way of being in touch and up to date and, at the same time, not at all consumed by it. If it wasn't so useful and purposeful to my work to be online and share on social media, I think I could get used to this offline life. It felt really really good.
This has been a very eye opening experience, as each offline period seems to be. I’ve realized that I am able to live my life from a truly greater depth when my attention is resting on the microcosm of my here + now. A space of presence where everything is perfect in its simplicity. I feel that this blog will now be getting so much more of my attention, it's time. Love to you all. ❤️